BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

100 % BIO und so nahe wie nur möglich
Bio Hofladen Grottenhof
Graz, 8052
Picture of Bio Grammelaufstrich 180g
Bio Grammelaufstrich 180g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Leberbrotaufstrich 200g
Bio Leberbrotaufstrich 200g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Turopolje Hauswürstel Paar 150-170g
Bio Turopolje Hauswürstel Paar 150-170g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Leberkäse 100g
Bio Leberkäse 100g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Frikandeau gebrüht 100g
Bio Frikandeau gebrüht 100g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Sesamweckerl
Bio Sesamweckerl

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizengrieß Spirelli 300g  ohne Ei
Bio Weizengrieß Spirelli 300g ohne Ei

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Dinkel VKM Band  400g
Bio Dinkel VKM Band 400g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Dinkel VKM Spaghetti  400g
Bio Dinkel VKM Spaghetti 400g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Dinkel VKM Spirelli  300g
Bio Dinkel VKM Spirelli 300g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Dinkel VKM Suppe  300g
Bio Dinkel VKM Suppe 300g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizen Tulpe  300g
Bio Weizen Tulpe 300g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizen Spirelli  300g
Bio Weizen Spirelli 300g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizen Suppe  300g
Bio Weizen Suppe 300g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizen Band 400g
Bio Weizen Band 400g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Weizen Spaghetti  400g
Bio Weizen Spaghetti 400g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Schafmilchjoghurt 174ml
Bio Schafmilchjoghurt 174ml

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Schafmilchjoghurt 500ml
Bio Schafmilchjoghurt 500ml

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Jog Natur nat. Fett mind. 4% 600g
Bio Jog Natur nat. Fett mind. 4% 600g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Sauerrahm 250g
Bio Sauerrahm 250g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Jog Kaffee nat.Fett min.4% 600g
Bio Jog Kaffee nat.Fett min.4% 600g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Jog Himb nat.Fett min.4% 600g
Bio Jog Himb nat.Fett min.4% 600g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Jog Heidelb. nat.Fett min.4% 600g
Bio Jog Heidelb. nat.Fett min.4% 600g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Rohmilchbutter aus Sauerrahm 100g
Bio Rohmilchbutter aus Sauerrahm 100g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Vollmilchtopfen 500g
Bio Vollmilchtopfen 500g

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Orange - Maracuja
Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Orange - Maracuja

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Vanille
Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Vanille

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Waldbeere
Bio Frucht Joghurt 150g Waldbeere

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Heumilch 1 Liter
Bio Heumilch 1 Liter

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
Picture of Bio Kastanienhonig 1kg
Bio Kastanienhonig 1kg

BIO Hofladen Grottenhof

Abholen @ KrautKOOPf

green pin products.distance: -
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